How come that some people are so ignorant and filled with national pride, when we ALL just live on the same ONE(!!!!) fragile planet? I don't just want to judge... this kind of REACTION must have a REASON : And it's NOT god! It lies within MANKIND... i'm sure.
This is just ONE example of excessive national pride and ignorance. It happens everywhere in the World.
But you know and I know that these mindsets won't help us living a more social life.
To me it's not important HOW exactly life on earth came into being ( I like the idea of evolution because it gives us the chance to change, develop, learn and to act!) but we all life on this planet!!
"Earth is blue, beautiful, but most of all small. And we are no going to leave here." Albert Jacuard
The problem lies in human nature and is part of stereotypes, prejudices and heuristics to name just three of the universe of misunderstanding and groupforming. It an automatic process and it is nothing wrong with that. The problem is that people are too lazy to be open, to look a little bit further and rely only on their beliefs.
AntwortenLöschenGet open people, give positivity and (mostly) you will get it back!
PS: Cannot see the picture of the link. And NASH, I don't understand what Evolution has to do with changing. Evolution is not about developing, but of survival of the fittest and keep the gen pool alive.
thanks for the comment, Sashman!
AntwortenLöschenSounds very reasonable and well evaluated! but i refuse that those misunderstandings and groupforming theories can not be changed.
and automation makes us lazy. I am aware that things are the way they are because they work and everybody is comfotable with it.
but this should never stop us from questioning even well accepted conventions and rules.
about your question on evolution:
well then ask yourself how the fittest are able to survive?
they have to adapt to new circumstances in order to keep their gen pool alive... so from my point of view smart adaption is taking changes in your behaviour.
and constant changes over thousands of years is development.
although the term "development" is mostly used for a shorter period of time.
AntwortenLöschenTrue, people are too lazy. Of course you can try to make the world a better place by yourself by just being aware of that fact and your behaviour. But even then you will find enough people who find it too hard to make any difference.
AntwortenLöschenThe best thing you can do: Start by yourself and hope people will follow somehow.
indeed! i follow the idea of gaining experience and knowledge for my self and then share it with you... over my blog and podcast. and just as you did i hope that in time more poeple come to listen to what we discuss and share their opinion with us!
AntwortenLöschenfuer euch beide evtl interessant: